Dr. Alexandra
Borissova Saleh
A science communication management expert
who gets the job done

With 15+ years of experience in Science Communication and a natural aptitude for Product Ownership, I approach every task from a comprehensive 360° perspective. This enables me to consider not only the final outcome but also the workflow, potential risks, manpower requirements, marketing strategies and other potential challenges that might be overlooked by those with less diverse experience.
Dr. Alexandra
Borissova Saleh
A science communication management expert who gets the job done

With 15+ years of experience in Science Communication and a natural aptitude for Product Ownership, I approach every task from a comprehensive 360° perspective. This enables me to consider not only the final outcome but also the workflow, potential risks, manpower requirements, marketing strategies and other potential challenges that might be overlooked by those with less diverse experience.

What can i do for you?

Conferences & workshops

+ all kinds of smaller events, online and in person workshops:
Awards & grants
After organizing several awards from scratch, I have honed my skills in developing methods to ensure competitions are fair, diverse, and inclusive. I also coordinate outreach efforts to increase participant numbers, select and manage the judging panel, and oversee the assessment process, winner announcements, and award ceremonies.

What I have done already?
Building up a strategy
  • I am currently a Head of Marketing&PR of the E-Quadrat Science & Education consulting firm. It was my responsibility to developed the marketing strategy of the firm from scratch as it entered international market. Collaborating with the team, we defined the brand identity, unique selling proposition (USP), client profile, and primary marketing channels. The implementation of this strategy enabled E-Quadrat to expand their client portfolio internationally, and launch a new Beyond Rankings community that attracted like-minded colleagues from top academics to practitioners from all over the world.
  • In 2015, I created and led the communication office at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), establishing internal and external communication systems for the first time in the institute's history. I hired a team of 10 employees and launched several media outlets: a corporate news blog, a bi-monthly corporate newspaper (in Russian), and a corporate magazine (four times a year in Russian, once a year in English). Within six months, we increased MIPT's presence in Russian mass media by 100 times and achieved significant international coverage, growing from zero to up to 50 quotations per month.

Third Sector
I established and managed the Russian Association of Science Communication (AKSON), an NGO. My capabilities include:
  • Developing a Statute for an NGO: Ensuring compliance with national standards through legal support.
  • Building a Community: Growing AKSON from zero to over 150 members, with more than 500 individuals engaged through conferences and other events.
  • Raising Funds: Securing various types of funding, including public and private grants as well as direct corporate sponsorship.
  • Financial Planning and Management: Hiring and supervising an accountant to maintain financial health.
Mass Media
  • In 2015 I created and led a digital science magazine chdk.ru (Currently inactive), starting from the technical specifications for the website, developing the editorial line, and assembling a team of 12 employees. After 1 year online, the website grew to 222 000 unique visitors per month, and had over 30 000 followers on social media.
  • In 2013 I relaunched and led the breaking news department of the major back then liberal Russian newspaper Gazeta.ru. Operating 24/7 with a team of 10 office employees and 8 remote freelancers, I hired and trained staff both in the office and remotely and created the editorial guidelines. Within six months, we doubled our readership.
Teaching, training, research
  • Master in Science Communication, ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: I co-founded the first Master's program in Science Communication in Russia (2016) and served as its Academic Director from 2017 to 2021.
  • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - Science Communication. : I ideated (2016) and led the MOOC “Science Communication,” the first and only course of its kind in Russia. Launched twice a year until 2021, the course attracted over 1,000 students, including science communication professionals, scientists, journalists, and students. The paid option provided access to an official certificate of continuing education from ITMO University, the first form of professional recognition for science communication practitioners in Russia.
  • Scientific Supervision of Master's Theses and Research Projects: I supervised nine successful master's theses on topics ranging from science events impact evaluation to science communication policy, scientific tourism and media studies, science marketing, and communication strategies.
  • Presenting Science: Training for researchers on how to successfully present their work at professional events and beyond.
  • Talking Science to the Media: Training for researchers on how to effectively communicate their science to the media, social networks, and broader audiences.
  • Journalistic Writing, Hochschule München, Germany: Semester course for Master’s students in science communication, teaching the basic principles of the international media landscape and news writing.
  • Science “DIY”: How to Launch Your Own Citizen Science Project (On Demand): Tailored workshop for researchers focused on the co-creation and support of citizen science projects.
  • Guest Lecturer in Science Communication Management, Citizen Science, Science Journalism: I lectured at various institutions including Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Moscow State University, University of Pavia, TU Delft, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Novosibirsk State University, Far Eastern Federal University, and Moscow Polytechnic University.
Citizen science (CS) from A to Z
In 2020, my team at AKSON Russian Association of Science Communication launched the national citizen science platform, People of Science. Here’s what we achieved:

  • Public Campaign: Pitched articles about citizen science to nearly all major Russian media outlets and partnered with digital science magazines for regular coverage of CS.
  • Workshops: Conducted a series of workshops in major Russian universities to train researchers in launching citizen science projects.
  • Guidelines and Online Support: Developed "How to Start" guidelines and provided online support for researchers in project design and citizen engagement.
  • White Paper: Produced a white paper on citizen science in Russia and presented it to various policy makers.
  • Government Support: As a result of our efforts, citizen science received government support for the first time in Russia in 2022, being included in the "Decade of Science and Technology" initiative.
  • Platform Growth: Within less than two years, People of Science hosted over 150 citizen science projects and built a community of thousands of citizen scientists.
  • Publication: Co-authored the "Handbook of Citizen Science," currently in print.

Check out my TEDx talk where I share what citizen science means to me and how I've been involved in advancing it.

My latest publications

Interviews with me

Openness and responsibility towards society

Communicating science in Russia
The judging panel in 2022 European Science Journalist of the Year
Russian academics decry law change that threatens scientific outreach



Explore more of my public lectures and moderated round tables where I bring a gentle yet firm approach to discussions.
Explore more of my public lectures and moderated round tables where I bring a gentle yet firm approach to discussions.

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